Travel to England? Visit The Poison Garden, Alnwick

Poisonous Garden Alnwick – one from many public gardens, adjacent to the castle Alnvika in Northumberland, England. The very same castle is the second largest in the UK. But the main difference between this garden from the gardens of others is that it has the most dangerous plants of the world, many of which can kill a person.

For the large black gates of the garden there are about a hundred varieties of narcotic plants which is prohibited by law. There are still growing belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, hemlock, and many other hazardous for health and life of plants.

Despite the fact that the poisonous garden Alnvika is relatively recent, the history of the local gardens and parks has its roots in the distant 1750.

Originally grown in the garden, some herbs, but then they were removed to maintain the status of the poison garden.

Tourists and travelers visiting the gardens Alnvika are allowed here under the supervision of a special guide who watches carefully so that no one touched the poisonous plants. Everywhere here are installed signs warning of the danger.

For security purposes, this place is under surveillance around the clock, and some plantations even fenced off with barbed wire. The main objective of this garden is to let people know how harmful and dangerous drugs. This gives a detailed guide tells during the tour.