In October of 2012, Felix Baumgartner will attempt a record-breaking freefall jump from 120,000 feet – 23 miles – 39.034 meters above the earth as part of Red Bull Stratos: a mission to the edge of space. The attempt will take place near Roswell, NM, USA, and if successful, Felix Baumgartner could be the first person to break the speed of sound with his own body, protected only by a space suit. As no one has successfully jumped from this height before, it’s uncertain what the highest supersonic freefall in history will look or feel like SKYDIVE: Edge of Space Supersonic Skydiving [how it looks]
Felix Baumgartner hopes to become the first human to break the speed of sound in a freefall. He intends to jump out of a balloon hoisted capsule at 120,000 feet. On July 25th, he completed his final test jump from 96,640 feet.
SKYDIVE: Edge of Space Supersonic Skydiving ! NOW!
Felix Baumgartner hopes to become the first human to break the speed of sound in a freefall. He intends to jump out of a balloon hoisted capsule at 120,000 feet. On July 25th, he completed his final test jump from 96,640 feet.