Flyboard, a new water-powered jet-pack built by French water sports fan Franky Zapata, lets you dive in and out of water like a human dolphin. This is the main feature that separates Zapata’s Flyboard from Jetlev, another water-propelled jetpack which was revealed earlier this year.
The other difference is the price. The Jetlev is priced at whopping $ 107,000, but the basic Zapata Racing Flyboard model costs $ 6,500.
The mechanics are similar, with water sucked from the ocean through a huge hose attached to a jetski and blasted back out again.
The power of the water is controlled by an operator on the jetski, which has to have at least 100hp to operate the Flyboard.
Once you’ve got the hang of it it’s possible to jump to incredible heights out of the water – over 30ft – with Franky Zapata himself even able to perform backwards somersaults.
Not as graceful as a dolphin, but looks really fun.