Let’s do it, Romania! – Oddy Central

These days there’s a program in Romania, a program that wishes to gather many volunteer people in order to clean the country in one day. National Cleaning Day began for the first time in Estonia, in 2008. Because this initiative had a huge success, some other  countries implied it too: Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Slovenia and Portugal, among others.

What happened in the other countries?

Latvia: This year, in Latvia the Cleaning Day took place in the spring, on 30th of April. The refurbishment vision of the winning courtyards was developed in cooperation with the Association of Latvian Landscape Architects. Professional gardeners and landscape architects worked together with inhabitants of the houses in order to carry out the intended works. The required materials and supplies were provided by a big material store.

Slovenia:the Cleaning Day was organised by the ‘Ecologists Without Borders’ Association and it took place in Rimske and was attended by 61 representatives from 11 countries who will be in charge of organising and implementing the large-scale volunteer campaign in their country next year. ‘The main goal of the conference was to bring together volunteers from Balkan countries, enable the transfer of knowledge and experience in the organisation of mass action volunteer campaigns, and to establish task groups for the successful implementation of the global cleanup in 2012 in each of the participating countries. ‘ (Let’s Clean the Balkans In One Day!)

What will be going around in Romania on 24th of september 2011?

Let’s do it! Association organizes a Cleaning Day in Romania and will be trying to gather the garbage with help from more than 200.000 volunteer people. All that a person has to do in order to participate is to register and specify the town where they’re from. Also, one must specify if he/she is alone so that those who organize this day can place them in a team or if they already have one. The activity will take place in a few hours: it begins in the morning, around 9 a.m and it ends in the afternoon, around 4 p.m.

How many volunteer people were in the past years?

Estonia: 50.000 volunteers in 2008

Letonia: 50.000 volunteers in 2008, 110.000 in 2009, 150.000 in 2010

Portugal: 110.000 volunteers in 2010

Slovenia: 275.000 volunteers in 2010

Romania: 200.000 volunteers in 2010

Kerala, India: 4100 volunteers

According to the information above, every year the number of volunteer people increased and I believe that Romania will do that too on september 24. Let’s do it!, Romania already said they are expecting that this year more people participate to the national project.

Plans for the future?

The international team of the World Cleanup 2012! presented already an idea for a global cleanup campaign that will take place on 24th of March, 2012.