Four Most Unusual, Unnatural and Mysterious Places to Visit in India – Oddy Central | Weird And Socking News

Can a car move itself in neutral gear? Why the roofs / ceilings of the houses near Bhangarh collapse? How can a stone levitat? Ever experienced anything eerie like this while traveling in India? If not and if you want to… then following are the places you must visit in India which has something unnatural and unusual. These places have gained attention in recent times, not many people are aware of these mysterious places. Let us have a look at some of these unnatural places and mysteries associated.

The Magnetic Hills of Ladakh : The uncommon phenomenon here is that the car moves itself when put in neutral gear. The car moves up a steep mountain road at a steady speed of 10km/hr or above depending on the type of vehicle. It is a hill near picturesque Leh. The hills have magnetic properties which attracts metallic objects, making vehicles move up at a speed of about 20 km per hour. The “magnetic hill” is located on the Leh-Kargil-Batalik national highway, about 50 km from Leh, at a height of 14,000 feet above sea level. Today the places has become a popular sight seeing place where tourists are amazed to see their car moving on its own.

Bhangarh ruins of Rajasthan : Bhangarh is believed to be the scariest place in India. Tourist have reported strange feelings while in the premise. They say that the feelings are unnatural. The environment inside the Bhangarh is uncomfortable. Apart from these stories another mystery associated with Bhangarh is the roofs of the houses near Bhangarh. Various attempts have been made by people to get a concrete ceiling but failed every time. Today their houses have roofs build of straw and not bricks.

The Levitating Stone of Shivapur, Maharshtra :Shivapur is a small place in Maharashtra famous for its levitating stone. Legends say that “Qamar Ali” renowned for his power on his deathbed requested people around to place a circular stone near his tomb and said that “when 11 men place their right index fingers under the stone and then jointly call my name, I will cause it to rise higher than their heads.” When handled singly, no one has been able to lift or move the stone, but when touched by 11 men chanting “Qamar Ali Darveeeesh!” the stone (like a living thing) flies up in the air, a foot above their heads.

Floating Stones of Raam Setu Bridge : A ‘floating stone’ of Ram Sethu, the bridge mentioned in Ramayana epic, brought to Patna from Rameshwaram as an evidence to the existence of Rama and the bridge built for him to cross over to Lanka is attracting thousands of devotees everyday. This ‘floating stone’ presently exhibited on the first floor of Mahavir Mandir is reportedly one of the stones that got scattered at Rameshwaram during Tsunami and similar cyclones. The visitors or devotees so to say, are amazed at the amazing stone. Following is the link to the video showing the floating stone.
Mysterious floating stone

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