The fresh weather of Russia isn’t appropriated for the Alexandra Zaharova and Ilya Plotnikov paper dresses, but these two photographers, with all their haute couture using paper, come from Moscow.
Those minimalists, geometrics and black-and-white dresses reflect the Russian high-standards and solemnity. The two photographers from the Doberman studio by-passed the fragility of paper, transforming the quotidian material we’re used to write and arrange in something which transpires superiority. Removing the dust of the library books and dirt papyrus, they finally reveal the fineness of the paper, placing it at the fashion world.
Is it a trend for the next summer? Probably not: the functional and ecological issues are obvious (can anybody imagine himself walking on the beach with a dress like that?). For these photographers, who get themselves busy also with the conception and post production, this work is just another challenge born from the interest for the most uncommon projects.
Besides this session photographed on 2009 summer for the L’Officiel magazine, those specialists work with other kinds of materials, juxtaposing several fabrics, getting several kinds of results: the “Penguin!” classic dresses, also in black-and-white, have nothing with the “Futuris” garish colors, or the “Aristocratic” rural sceneries. They like to experiment new things and each new challenge is an opportunity to generate a transformation on themselves.
The Alexandra and Ilya’s photographic quality and also be observed at publicity, even with the inherent conditions of this area. They are behind the lens capture of the IKEA, Apple and Nescafé products; besides, they make part of the Luerzer catalogue for the best 200 photographers of this area.